Strategic Plan


RSU 26 initiated a strategic planning process in the spring of 2023 with the goal of creating a 5 year strategic plan for the school district.  This plan will provide a road map for our district to accomplish key priorities and ensure that it is investing time, energy and resources in areas that are the biggest priorities for our district.  

A Strategic Plan Leadership Team was established to help guide this work, review data & feedback and develop a cohesive, actionable 5 year plan. Individuals for the team were selected based on each person’s interest in the group, as well as seeking to achieve diverse perspectives across our schools and greater community.  

We now have a draft of the core components of the strategic plan for you to read:

Strategic Plan DRAFT

23-24 Meeting Dates

All Meetings will take place from 6-8 pm in OMS/HS Library

October 17th
November 7th
December 12th
January 16th
February 13th
March 5th
April 2nd
May 14th
